Charles & Tina Macharia
Charles is a qualified social worker, peer educator and Trainer. Charles was a team leader and project manager for a reputable U.K. based gap-year company, Africa-Asia Venture. When not supervising school-based aid projects in Uganda and Kenya, Charles has a degree in community development and is a social & academic counselor in local schools in Joska. Charles also oversees operations at The MASH Foundation community library and is assisted by other trustees and volunteers.
Tina worked as a full time legal administrator. She is responsible for the administration of The MASH Foundation website, keeping you up to date with the latest news from the MASH Foundation.
Nancy Mugure
Nancy is a science teacher at Gachoka primary school with long term experience of the Kenyan education system. Nancy is responsible for selecting cases for the MASH Foundation. Nancy has a keen understanding of the challenges faced by the families of many of the pupils we sponsor.
Introduction to The Mash Foundation Trust
The MASH FOUNDATION TRUST is a non profitable charity organization that runs a community resource center and library. The charity was initiated in April 2008 as a children’s sponsorship charity program. The first recipient was a Ugandan boy called Julius Edwardo aged 13 years. The initiative grew as a charity organization until 13 April 2009, when The MASH FOUNDATION TRUST was officially registered in Nairobi, Kenya. The MASH Foundation works from grassroots scheme and strives for social improvement through bottom up development.
Our mission
To facilitate the provision of basic education to children as well as provide social help, develop skills and give health related information to improve the living conditions of people in Joska.
Our Vision
To empower the Joska community with the information, skills and knowledge they need for a better future.
Target population
Children and youth.